The Dreaded Question

Welcome to Season 3!

Episode Summary

Welcome back! The first episode of season 3 will be released NEXT Wednesday, Oct. 21!

Episode Notes

View the transcript here

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Episode Transcription

TDQ Season 3 Welcome Episode!

Lili Torre: Hello, and welcome back to The Dreaded Question podcast. I've missed you so much over the past few months, and I'm so excited to share season three with you.

If you're new to TDQ welcome. I'm Lili Torre, the host of The Dreaded Question podcast, and I'm so excited that you're joining us for season three. If you haven't yet, I encourage you to go back and listen to the past two seasons with some seriously amazing guests who share the stories of their parallel career.

If you're not familiar with TDQ, I start every episode of this podcast with everyone's favorite question, "So what are you up to?" Part of the reason I ask that question is so that we can dismantle the ickyness of that question, but also to hold space for these guests' amazing stories of their parallel careers.

Before starting TDQ I believed that if I could do anything else, I should do that instead. So I refused to pursue any passions or [00:01:00] interests outside of my acting career, which left me feeling trapped in survival jobs that I hated and feeling like I was constantly spinning my wheels.

Then I realized that there were tons of artists leading, fulfilling lives, even when they weren't working in theater. And they all had parallel careers that supported them. They could do other things and they were doing it also.

I became obsessed with learning about how people created these paths for themselves. And thus, The Dreaded Question podcast was born where we share stories of artists who have been on the parallel career path and the twists and turns they've encountered along the way.

Now I believe that every artist is capable of work that sustains them, even when they're in between theater jobs or, you know, they're in the midst of a global pandemic....for example...

Since season two of TDQ ended, there's been a lot going on in the world as a whole, in the US, in the theatrical industry, in New York City...And I certainly am not immune to those changes.

Since [00:02:00] last we spoke, I spent a month in my hometown in South Carolina. I took Seth Godin's altMBA. My husband, Colin, and I made the decision to move to Kansas City, Missouri. And right now I'm in the process of packing up my apartment to get to Kansas City for our November 1st lease. You know, on top of creating more TDQ episodes for you...

you'll hear more about some of these things this season, but to give you a quick recap: my time at home with my family was delightful and fulfilling. The altMBA was genuinely incredible, and the subsequent post-altMBA dip was rough and really difficult to get out of. And the decision to move to Kansas City was surprisingly easy. But it's definitely about as random as it sounds.

I'll unpack this more in an episode later this season, but a big part of the driving force behind that decision was to seek out a place that I felt had opportunity and community. I know a lot of amazing Kansas City actors and theater artists. And from what I've heard, it can be a [00:03:00] really wonderful place to build a life for yourself and have a career as an artist, and to build a parallel career. So you will definitely be hearing more about both the decision to move and more about what it's like after we move.

It's amazing to think that his podcast existed so long before COVID happened and that we've been talking about parallel careers and pivoting with purpose for so long at this point. It's definitely interesting creating episodes now, I feel like there's a different flavor to everything and the conversations that I'm having. And I hope that you will find that whatever you're feeling in this time, you are not alone.

This season is going to bring a mix of guests from all over the spectrum, starting all types of pursuits and parallel paths and parallel careers. Some people who are in really early stages, which I think is going to be a really fun addition to our collection of stories here. And some people whose work is inspired by very current [00:04:00] events.

Additionally, I feel like I should share that at the end of last season, I started creating transcripts of every episode. I started creating them and sharing them in the episodes, but never really said anything about it? So, surprise! If you would prefer to read these episodes, or if that's more accessible for you, that is now an option that is available to you. There will be links to transcripts in the show notes of every episode of season three.

As always, I'm so grateful to you for listening to TDQ and I am so excited to be back making these episodes for you. My time away was very necessary and refueling, but man, have I missed you!

So check back here one week from today on October 21st for the first episode of season three! Let me tell you it's an amazing one. I can't wait to share it with you.

I'm Lili Torre and this is season three of The Dreaded Question.